School Vision
At The Harold School we strive to provide a harmonious, secure and caring environment in which the intellectual, spiritual, physical, moral and cultural needs of the pupils are identified and nurtured.
Our aim is to make your child's school experience a happy one.
Ours is a school with a Catholic ethos and a spirit of mutual respect is promoted within the school. It is our endeavour to enhance the self-esteem of all in the school community and to imbue in the pupils a sense of respect and responsibility for themselves, others, the school, the local community and the environment.
We encourage the pursuit of excellence in all aspects of the curriculum and in the personal development of the children.
We welcome and encourage parents as partners in our school and we aim to foster a sense of community between management, teachers, parents and pupils.
The Harold School will strive to promote both individually and collectively the personal and professional development of staff within a collaborative and collegial setting.
To enable the child to live a full life as a child.
To nurture in the child a spirit of co-operation, kindness, self discipline, respect, enthusiasm and independence.
To ensure a sound social, moral and religious development.
To enable the child to have a strong grasp of literacy and numeracy.
To foster skills in handwriting, handcrafts, music and other creative arts and to have an appreciation of nature and the environment.
To develop a knowledge and appreciation for one's heritage, through promotion of the Irish language and through the study of history, geography and nature studies.
To encourage an enjoyment of physical activities, dance, drama, music, movement, mime and other recreational game skills.